Aishwarya Rajesh, who shot to fame with Kaaka Muttai, has steadily been bagging substantial projects. However, the audio launch took place on Thursday and the teaser and stills from the film have greatly increased the anticipation. The release date for the film is yet to be announced. Kanaa, with a woman lead, joins this short line-up. Chennai 600028, Vennila Kabbadi Kuzhu, Jeeva and Irudhi Suttru are a few which have hit the screens. There haven’t been too many sports-related films in Tamil. Right from the lyrics, to the tune and beats, this song will keep you hooked.With some inspiring music by Dhibu Ninan Thomas, the teaser suggests that the character played by Aishwarya makes it to the Indian women’s cricket team. It has to exist, right? Savaal is a motivational rap track with all the required elements. Savaal will stand up when you take attendance for a rap song in a Arunraja Kamaraj film.
Vocals: Dhibu Ninan Thomas, Arunraja Kamaraj (Rap), Rabbit Mac (Rap) Yet again, the backing vocals shine, with ample support from the orchestra. His voice is already a winner, and takes this track a level up. With tiny bits of swarams, Anirudh takes complete control of this song. Though the composition might fall into the patterns of how we have usually heard these songs, the instrumentation and construction of the track gives it a different dimension. The flavor is brought in by the usage of the instruments that set up our culture down south. Othaiyadi Pathayila is exactly the song that finds its space inside this Kanaa. In a film that is primarily set in a rural backdrop, we always look forward to that folk melody. The backing vocals, along with the flute and guitars add mileage to the track. The string orchestration deserves recognition as it stands out as one of the most appreciable factors of the song. Arunraja's lyrics are strong and they give us an idea of the conflict Kanaa would face. Kapil's voice helps the song with the much required feel.
The basic idea of the film is presented with this song and full credit to Mohan Rajan!Ī sad ballad, beautifully put together by Dhibu and team. Apart from the interesting fusion, Mohan Rajan's lyric is something to watch out for. Niranjana's mellifluous voice gives this song the extra edge. The guitars are brought to the front, and your mind is set to the rhythm that follows suit. Dhibu's work behind this song is highly appreciable as he has neatly produced a classical-rock song that is sure to keep your feet busy. Likewise, Oonjala Oonjala is a perfect suit for him. Sid Sriram's voice and tonality is such that he will find his zone in all genres. With no speed-breakers, Siva gives his best shot. An added surprise is Sivakarthikeyan's flawless rendition alongside Vaikom Vijayalakshmi. The usage of the flute is commendable, it adds a lovely flavor to this track that will put a smile on your face. GKB's lyrics are on point, and Dhibu's tune and BGMs are very appealing. This is a folk song that talks about the love for the daughter. Though she has very few lines, you most definitely want to hear more of her very soon. Vaayadi Petha Pulla is a cute song, to say the least! What a lovely debut for Aaradhana SK, her endearing voice is a delight behind the mic. Vocals: Aaradhana Sivakarthikeyan, Sivakarthikeyan, Vaikom Vijayalakshmi